Daily Message - 20th June

You could have something that people really want or need today. Or vice versa. Now, it could be money as it is a pentacles card but it could also be support/physical assistance with something, time, love/kindness, knowledge or a gift of some kind.
So, if you are able to share something today and it feels right then do it! And if you need something then don't be afraid to ask! It's all about balanced give and take. Be open to receiving, especially if you are someone that gives, gives, gives all the time. And be open to sharing/giving if you are someone that is constantly on the receiving end of good things/fortune or you've realised you maybe take a little too much (or a lot!) sometimes.
Communication also looks to be important today along with fairness, so try to be clear and honest when dealing with people. If something is too one-sided or just not right then you can take action to change that. Or at the very least have a conversation about it or communicate your thoughts/feelings if needed (in a tactful way, if possible!). Remember that you don't have to do things the way you have always done them! You have a choice to free yourself from things, thoughts/feelings, habits and even people that are no good for you which then creates space for what is good for you!