Daily Message - 3rd June

Tarot card pulled: Two of Wands.

How do you view the world? Do you see it as an abundant place, full of opportunities, places and things you'd love to explore. Or do you see it as a place with little to no opportunities, full of terrible people, danger and sadness. Maybe it's a mixture.

I feel the message today is about mindset and choices. So, throughout the day, keep an eye on your thoughts and feelings. Enjoy and embrace any positive thoughts and feelings and actively work on replacing any negative ones with positives. It could help to change the way you view yourself, your life or even the world.

And if you have a decision to make today, listen to yourself and do what is right for you. Do what will make you feel the most...free, grounded and balanced.

Remember, you are in control of yourself and your life. You have the power to change anything you are unhappy with or go in a different direction. You almost always have a choice in life and it could be time to get out of your comfort zone.

Chelle x

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