Weekend Message - 25th May to 26th May 2024

Tarot card pulled: The Hierophant.
Sometimes looking at your past can be a good thing. If you go down memory lane over the next couple of days, allow yourself to take the good bits from the past and leave the rest.
I feel The Hierophant card is asking you to reconnect to yourself, your inner child and look at things that used to make you happy. Maybe you had a certain dream you wanted to make a reality, or you started a business or had a business idea but you never really gave it a fair chance to be something because life got in the way. Or maybe there was a toy you used to play with or a hobby you left behind. Maybe there is a side of yourself that you've forgotten about, a talent, gift or skill even.
Basically, all I'm trying to say is that if there was once something that made you feel good, or there was something you were once good at then it could be time to revisit that something as it could be just what you need for your highest good right now!
Chelle x
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