Daily Message - 28th May
Tarot card pulled: The Hierophant.
We actually had this card for last weekend so it's interesting that it has popped up again for today! Take a look at that message here as it could be for you today.
But overall I feel the message today is about making different choices or at least thinking about doing things in a different way to how you might have always done them. Sometimes in life or when dealing with a situation / problem a little creativity could be required. Collaboration could be required. Listening to your intuition could be required. Making a heart over head decision could be required. Ignoring advice from someone else could be required. Learning something new could be required. Asking for help could required. Even if these are things that you would not typically do.
You know that saying about insanity - when you keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Well, The Hierophant could be inviting you to switch from a tried and tested, traditional mindset to a revolutionary mindset.
Sometimes that is needed and who knows where that could lead you...
Chelle x
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